Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm Back

Well I'm back from Disney with a head full of ideas. A week off the torch and the total sensory overload that only four theme parks in 7 days can provide and you have one artistically refreshed beadmaker on your hands! I have 5 new frit blends coming out soon for my lampworker friends and lots of new jewelry ideas involving keys. OH and the electroforming kit I ordered before my vacation arrived while I was away so I need to have my friend KimV teach me how to use it. OMG so much to do and so little time. Meanwhile my house looks like a laundromat explosion and there is not one scrap of edible food in my pantry or fridge if we don't count the canned brussel sprouts I bought six months ago in a feverish attempt to find something green (other than peppermint gumdrops) that my 6 year old will eat. So I will try to keep you all up to date as these projects come rolling out over the next few months. Stay tuned and enjoy the rare family portrait... this one is in Epcot with Donald in Mexico (who by the way is a lefty...I knew I always liked Donald)

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